Twentieth Century Fox contacted me, looking for pixel animation in the style of an early 90s video-game for an episode of musical comedy Up Here (2023), created by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez (Book of Mormon, Avenue Q, Frozen). The concept described an aspiring video game designer, Miguel, going on a mushroom-induced trip, with the character exploring a spooky wood, before putting on armour as he describes traumas from his life.

I love pixel art, fantasy and video games, and this was an amazing opportunity where , working with the Production Designer and Showrunner, I got to design a medieval Megaman videogame. You see it all over the set as well as occasionally taking up the full screen, with animated elements being applied over the live-action footage as Miguel’s hallucination bleeds into the real world.


Director: Chioke Nassor
Developed for Television by: Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson -Lopez
Production Design: Almitra Corey
Animation Director: Alex Bernas
Design: Alex Bernas, Paul Layzell
2D Animation: Alex Bernas, Paul Layzell